Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Travel Attire and The Perfect White Tee

           As summer quickly approaches and travel plans and lazy weekends come into play, it's easiest when getting dressed to just grab the quick simple wardrobe for myself. I think there is something really sexy, on a guy or girl, about a perfect loose fitting white t-shirt. I am currently on the hunt for one to wear for our flight to Poland, which is a long one with a flight switch also. I want to be comfortable but at the same time I want to look great! Nothing wrong with that, right?

          I figured I would wear a pair of dark, possibly black, jeans with a white t-shirt and my snake print H&M slip ons. It's tough dressing for a flight in the middle of summer because it's probably going to be around 80 degrees outside, yet the airport and airplane are always refrigerators( I am ALWAYS cold). My family often makes fun of me for wearing scarves or sweaters in the heat of summer in the house. Luckily, they hand out those lovely blankets on flights, but just to be safe I always bring a pashmina or a light sweater also. So, here is the look I am striving for with my travel look #1:

And here is the look #2:

I don't actually own these snake print pointy flats, but would like to! They are from H&M, and for only $25, why not? You can find those here. I put a hat with both looks because after being on a plane for 9 hours your hair is going to be a scary mess. Also, I prefer no earings when flying because they get in the way of sleeping and my daughter loves to pull on them. Which look do you guys prefer? Any suggestions for the perfect white tee?

Thanks for reading!

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